Video Vault
(114) Apollensis F3 First Flush! (12.29.24)
In this video I show you all a pre-harvest shot of the F3 Apollensis. So far, every generation has had a very different and distinct performance, and the first flush is no exception. In the case of the F3, they have completely filled out the tub, yet the caps (despite open air fruiting) have not opened at all, not even a little!
(Too long for excerpt, click for full description)
• 1/31/25
(113) Trich TEK Success! Plus Black Cap Ochras, Apollensis F3 and More! (12.25.24)
Key Topics:
Can stressing the mycelium actually promote a better flush? HOCl
Reliable way to tell if a mutant is from environmental or genetic factors
Side pins: Nature vs. Nurture
Shoeboxes without dub tub
My best grasslover (Apollensis) flush coming in!
The ‘wildness’ of E4Ks
Black Cap Ochras, epic pines coming in!
Weird blobs on ochra substrate turning blue. What are they?
Mycelium overlay, rich in flavonoids?
• 1/16/25
(112) Post-Trich Operation Update, Why E4Ks are Unique 12.24.24
Key Topics:
Fuzzy legs=lack of FAE? Not always. Discussion
Causes of aborts, how to avoid
How is the trich tub doing? Was the operation a success?
E4K discussion, unique grow characteristics
Misting during fruiting? Demonstration
Got mycelium on your caps? Is it due to low FAE? Well…
Weird growth on ochra tubs. What are they?
EPIC Apollensis F3 flush coming in!
• 1/10/25
(111) Apollensis Mutant Harvest! 7.19.24
Here is the follow up harvest video of the mutant F2 Apollensis flush from video 106!
This was filmed more than 6 months ago, but the last few recent videos I have uploaded of my current grows (107-110) is directly related to the results of this flush from July as the current Apollensis F3 is the offspring of this particular mutant flush.
I hope we can get some mutants with the current F3!
• 1/4/25
(110) Got Trich? How to Salvage Your Tub. Tutorial. 12.22.24
Did trich pop up during fruiting? This video is a tutorial on a method to salvage such tubs so that you may get a flush or two out of it, along with showing 2 methods to know trich is coming before it even hits.
Black Cap Ochraceocentrata, January 2025 Genetics Feature
Happy New Year Mycophiles! This video is an overview of this month’s genetics feature for the genetics tiers :)
Mush Love,
• 12/30/24
(109) Ochra Sclerotia, Cause of Overlay, and Misting HOCl? (12.21.24)
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdgFNt-rE3c&t=34s
Key Topics:
Ochra sclerotia?
Ochra overlay: What is the cause?
Weird blobs throughout substrate. What are they?
Misting HOCl=Better pinset?!?!?
A good rule of thumb to estimate how big your fruits will get from when they are pins
E4K pinning, what would cause two shoeboxes from the same plate to have distinctly different phenos?
Apollensis F3 pins! Will they retain their mutations from F2?
• 12/25/24
(108) 3-Species Casing Update Ochra Sclerotia, How to Domesticate, Apollensis F3 and More (12.19.24)
• 12/15/24
(106) Tub-to-Tub Communication in Sharing Phenos and Flushing Performance (7.17.24)
Key Topics:
Tub-to-Tub communication to share phenos and fruiting performance (kind of like how women can synchronize menstruation cycles when in proximity)
My process in domesticating mutations
Use of cloning and spores in domestication
How I took spores from a TINY cap (too small for swabs)
Checking through the potential causes of the sudden mutations
• 12/3/24
(105) CRAZY CONTAM 6 Months Into Fruiting! Plus New Phenos and Mutations for Apollensis F1 (7.17.24)
Key Topics:
How to test mutations to see the cause, and to see if you they are reproducible genetically
NEW phenotypes popping off on the F1 tub almost 6 months in.
Finally, a new flush coming in for the F2, one month after the last flush. Very strange morphology.
• 11/28/24
(104 Myco Quickie) Apollensis Officially 5 Months Into Fruiting! How Are They Doing? (7.7.24)
An update into the Apollensis F1 tub 5 months in!
I discuss their surprising flushing performance and consistency, even this long into fruiting! Not to mention out of hundreds of grows, this is the longest grow I have ever had. They just don’t seem to let up!
I hope you are all having a great day or night, and a fabulous Thanksgiving if you celebrate it 🦃
• 11/8/24
(103 Myco Quickie) Big Tampanensis Caps from the JCM Chamber (11.7.24)
Hey everyone,
This video is a sort of addition to the last video about the huge Apollensis caps. In this video, I show a recent tampanensis flush with big caps (for tampanensis standards) to give you all a comparison between the two, and ultimately to bring home the point of how large those Apollensis caps really were!
All the best, and I hope you are all having a great day or night!
• 11/5/24
(102) The BIGGEST Grasslover Cap EVER! Apollensis MONSTER… (7.3.24)
Key Topics:
Recasing sclerotia for more fruits
Nepalese Landrace Coir Lovers! (Chitwans)
Describing the unique phenotypes of Chitwans
The dangers of sporulation for your lungs when fruiting
• 10/28/24
(101) Debunking Misinformation About Sidepins and Bottom Pins Why They Happen and How to Prevent Them Like A Pro (6.30.24)
- 5 months old tub! How does it look? ;)
- Nature vs Nurture, which is stronger in mushroom cult?
- F2 Apollensis FLUSH 3, new unique phenotype!
- Does casing TRUFFLES (i.e., sclerotia) produce fruits?
- 5 months into fruiting! How do they look?
- Does casing increase yield? Non-Cased Nepal Chitwans
• 10/21/24
(100) Things to Watch Out For When Growing In Summer, and Tapeworm Mushrooms?!?! (6.26.24)
Key Topics:
The Longest Apollensis fruit so far! (third Flush, F2)
Differences between F1 phenos and F2 becoming more and more apparent
Should you recast after a few flushes?
F1 5 months in! How’s it doing?
Spawning a casing layer… with insect eggs!
Doing a no-casing coir lover grow for the first time in a long time. How will it compare?
Crazy growth on Apollensis F2 plate in only 2 days
• 10/8/24
(99) The most beautiful Grasslovers ever… Plus Cracked (and unharvested) Substrate Experiment FINALE! (6.2.24)
Key Topics:
F0s still thriving!
4 months in, a new phenotype very reminiscent of Florida Grasslover
F1 vs F0 comparison, phenos and flush performance (4 and 2 months in)
Discussing oversaturation of substrates due to misting, and especially dunking after a flush, and a good tip to avoid it
Discussing the common confusion around Filial terminology
Plans for future experimentation with Orbeez heating mat TEK
• 9/23/24
(98) CRAZY Truffle Fruit Cluster Popping In! The World’s Hardest Working Truffle (laugh emoji): Apollensis Update, F0 and F1! (6.16.24)
Key Topics:
Lab update on the Apollensis situation!
F0: 4 months into fruiting (flush 15)! How is it doing?
Apollensis F0 and F1
F1 lacklustre performance so far… Will it improve?
CRAZY Sclerotia fruit cluster!
More MONSTER grasslover fruits popping in!
Sclerotia (i.e., ‘truffles’), are they producing still after 4 months?
Why are the F0s gnat-resistant, but the F1s aren’t?
I hope you have a great day or night!
• 9/13/24
(97) CASED vs UNCASED Experiment FINALE! Plus What Happens If You Don’t Harvest a Tub Experiment! (6.12.24)
Key Topics:
What happens if you accidentally crack a substrate? Will it still fruit?
Golden Halos! What are they and why are they special?
Side/bottom fruits = Nature or Nurture?
Lots of mutations
Strange things on the mycelium surface… what are they?
Bluing substrate when conditions are good, what can it mean?
Comparing plant growth on cased vs uncased tubs
Apollensis Update! F0 (4 months in) and F1!
Gnat resistant genetics?
More in description!
• 9/2/24
(96) CASED VS UNCASED Side-by-Side Experiment! Will it Effect Yield, Reduce Blobbing, and Reduce Sidepins Pt. 1 6.7.24
Key Topics:
What happens to your substrate if you DON’T harvest your fruits?!?!?! Experiment time!!!
BIG accident on camera! LOL
Water pouring VS misting
How can a slightly nutritious casing layer not contaminate for 5 months?
Going back to non-casing… How will it compare? ;)
What do good surface conditions look like, WITHOUT a casing layer? Case example
Can you add seeds to a non-cased substrate?
What is Golden Halo, and why is it special?
Golden Halo blobbing!
Click video for full description
• 8/22/24
(95) Apollensis F1 First Flush! Menagerie of Standout F1 Fruits, Let’s Take a Closer Look! (5.15.24)
Key Topics:
Apollensis Sclerotia production vs Mexican and Florida Grasslovers
Naming the first generation, F0 or F1? Labeling
F1 Apollensis going crazy! Completely different phenotypes to F0
Aborts in Apollensis, Mexican grasslovers, and Florida grasslovers, frequency comparison
Demonstration of the ‘super rhizo’ bases in both F1 shoeboxes
(94) Genetics Talk How do the Apollensis F1 Fruits Compare to F0 Plus Mutants and Sporulation… (5.13.24)
Key topics:
- Mutants and sporulation… Are they swab-only?
- When to harvest Trinity
- Apollensis Cross F1, unique phenotypic features
- Very distinct rhizos on the base of F1 fruits, distinct from both either parent species AND F0
- Reflection on the increasing popularity of ‘exotic’ species, and the simplification of methods
(Read more in description)
• 8/3/24
(93) THREE New Apollensis Phenotypes!!! Liberty Cap Lookalikes, Close-Capped Fruits, and Skirted Nipples (?) Phenos! Plus Trinity Maturing Beautifully :) (5.12.24)
Key Topics:
- No liner, no sidepins. How I do it.
- An example of how I mist during a heavy flush (live demonstration)
- 3 main reasons why many exotic species require casing layers
- Tip to avoid DRYING OUT in the summer months
- Is DUBTUB the way to go? Hmmmmmm
Click on video for full list
• 7/15/24
(91) NEW EZ Exotic Fruiting Chamber Update, Automated vs. Shoebox TTBVI Comparison (5.5 Update)
Key Topics:
- When to take spore prints?
- Is it true that sporulation stops growth of future pins?
- Is it actually a good thing to have multiple flushes?
- Sclerotia talk, drip-feed nutrition
(Read More)
• 7/3/24
(90) Shoebox vs. Simple Automated Exotic Fruiting Chamber, TTBVI (5.4.24)
Key Topics:
- Differences in the fruit between unautomated and automated fruiting chamber, direct comparison
- Hygrometers in fruiting chambers. Yes or No?
- Can contams cause aborts?
- Will directly misting cause aborts? No. Proof of concept, misting the crap out of Pans lol
- Are gnats more attracted to certain types of substrates?
- Apollensis update! 3 months into fruiting when filmed
- Comparison of common tampanensis and mexicana phenotypes
- Trinity Shoeboxes!
• 6/18/24
Apollensis 6/18/24 Update, 4.5 months Into Fruiting!
4.5 months into fruiting Apollensis!
This flush has the largest truffle cluster I have ever seen. Very pretty as well! The lab has also gotten my samples, so it is only a matter of a few weeks to 3 months till I get the results.
I hope you all enjoy!
• 6/16/24
(87) Low-Tech Exotic Fruiting Chamber TEK by Hotub! (5.1.24)
In this video I will show you an interesting exotic TEK with minimal automation by Mycophile community member Hotub.
The benefits of this TEK are that you can get tent-quality exotics, without all the moving parts, maintenance, and cost.
I hope you all enjoy!
• 6/7/24
(86) Can Good Genetics Win Against Contaminations? 3.10
Key Topics:
- The first of the huge caps of Apollensis, Flush 2
- Grasslover cap size in indoor setups
- Should you buy pre-sterilized grain bags? Vendor bags and contam
- Myceliated grain update
- GREAT NEWS! I have found a stockpile of some lost Patreon videos in my old computer. Mexi-grasslover bowl grow series, Melmac series, grasslover videos, and Shakti and Avery’s Albino videos coming soon :)
• 5/23/24
Apollensis F1, Almost 4 Months In! (Myco-Quickie)
The F1 Apollensis (Mex X Tamp) tub is almost 4 months old now, yet it still keeps pushing out some massive fruits. Sharing my thoughts thus far 👾
• 5/23/24
(84) White Fruits + Rust-Coloured Spore Mutation Plus Mexi X Tamp (Apollensis) F1 Fruits Coming In! (2.23)
- What is the difference between Albino and Leucistic fruits? Big misunderstandings regarding this topic
- Isolate vs Clone cultures
- What makes a good clone?
- Does a more rhizo culture equal better fruiting potential?
- When to harvest for eating vs. spore prints
- How will age of culture affect grasslovers’ fruit and stone production?
- History of Rusty Whyte coir lovers
- Huge environmental mutation
- Why I’m choosing not to mist while fruiting for this flush
And More!
• 5/16/24
(83) Tamp X Mexi Species Cross (“Appollensis”) FIRST RUN begins! A Look at the Colonized Shoebox and Sclerotia, and much more! (Final Patreon-Era Video)
- Differences in alkaloid concentration between grains and fruits, using beta-carbolines as an example in coir lovers
- 2 secret projects (1 not-so-secret anymore XD)
- First shoebox run of the new cross
- New Exotic Fruiting Chamber TEK collaboration, dialing it in
- Myceliated Grains
- Will misting poo lovers cause them to abort?
- How are the Fridge-TEK’d jars doing after being neglected for 1 month?
- Rusty Whites, “Appollensis”, and Semp shoeboxes!
• 4/30/24
(81) Beautiful Tidal Wave Canopy, Multispore Beauty! Antidepressants and Nats, and More! (12.21)
Key Topics:
- Sterile fruits, what are they?
- Leucistic fruits
- How to help rehydrate mid-flush to greatly reduce aborts
- White clover bowl grow :)
- Neglect TEK Zaps still kicking and putting out new pins!
- Talking antidepressants vs Nat micro tasting
- Nats micro taste for migraines?
- The great misunderstanding about micro tasting….
• 4/22/24
(80) How to Mist Like a Pro (and Avoid Aborts), How To Prevent Side Pins Without Liners, and How to Hold Off Trich Temporarily! Tidal Wave and Zaps (12.19)
- Misting during heavy pinsets and flushes
- How I prevent side and bottom pins COMPLETELY without a liner
- The relationship between FAE, Humidity, Surface Moisture, and Aborts
- Flairosol-type mister versus regular mister
- Complete Neglect TEK’d Zaps
- Why Tidal Wave is a special lineage
- Paper towel trich TEK update, one week later! How is the tub doing? Has the trich spread?
(79) Zaps Part 5, Finale (and Future Experiments to Come!)
Key topics:
- Trich is back :(
- More pins, but more aborts. Considering the causes
- Discussing whether trich in one spot of the tub cause aborts in another
- First round of Zap experimentation, success!
- Tamps and Tidal Wave update!
- Gnats are back!
- Maggots and bugs in wild mushrooms, extra protein :)
- TW aggressiveness!
- Comparing the smell of different species’ mycelium
- Truffle to cube fruit potency comparison. Fresh and dried.
• 3/22/24
(1) FOUND FOOTAGE: Awesome July TTBVI Shoeboxes, Pre-Harvest!
The first video of mycosage.com!!! This is a previously unreleased lost footage of an awesome shoebox TTBVI grow I had in the summer :)
• 3/30/24
(2) Merging Two Dikaryotic Cultures to Form a New Strain via Anastamosis on Agar, Multispore Talk and More!
A long one today! Click on the video for the full description of topics!