(106) Tub-to-Tub Communication in Sharing Phenos and Flushing Performance (7.17.24)

Key Topics:

  • Tub-to-Tub communication to share phenos and fruiting performance (kind of like how women can synchronize menstruation cycles when in proximity) 

  • My process in domesticating mutations

  • Use of cloning and spores in domestication

  • How I took spores from a TINY cap (too small for swabs)

  • Checking through the potential causes of the sudden mutations 




(108) 3-Species Casing Update Ochra Sclerotia, How to Domesticate, Apollensis F3 and More (12.19.24)


(105) CRAZY CONTAM 6 Months Into Fruiting! Plus New Phenos and Mutations for Apollensis F1 (7.17.24)