Video Vault
• 1/23/25
(56) Fridge TEK'd Rancho Agostos Fruiting, Exotics Talk and More! (9.14.23)
Key Topics:
- How moist should your casing be?
- Casing review
- How to get a canopy of Mexican grasslovers… Not shoeboxes
- How Poolover mycelium looks, vs “Cobweb Mold”
- Bispo vs TTBVI
- Differences in colonization speed between the species
(Click for full description)
• 1/10/25
(55) How I Fought Gnats (and Won, in 24 Hours!): The Story of My Huge Fungus Gnat Infestation (Pt.2)
Here is the followup to Video 54 on the fungus gnat infestation I had back in September 2023. In it, I summarize the simple steps I did to completely eliminate gnats from my home without the use of any chemicals.
I also show the first pins we are getting after leaving a shoebox in the fridge for 3 weeks, along with the first of my live casing experimentation!
Mush Love,
Sage -
• 12/19/24
(107) Casing Layers: Direct Comparison Between 3 Different Species (12.16.24)
Key Topics:
The situation with the false Natties (i.e., Ochras)
Update from the Livestream Casing Tubs
Ochras (formerly Natties), Coir Lovers, and Apollensis (Grass Lovers)
How does a casing layer affect Ochras? Does it reduce overlay?
How to prevent overlay on Ochras
Ideal moisture content on casing layers
• 10/28/24
(101) Debunking Misinformation About Sidepins and Bottom Pins Why They Happen and How to Prevent Them Like A Pro (6.30.24)
- 5 months old tub! How does it look? ;)
- Nature vs Nurture, which is stronger in mushroom cult?
- F2 Apollensis FLUSH 3, new unique phenotype!
- Does casing TRUFFLES (i.e., sclerotia) produce fruits?
- 5 months into fruiting! How do they look?
- Does casing increase yield? Non-Cased Nepal Chitwans
• 10/21/24
(100) Things to Watch Out For When Growing In Summer, and Tapeworm Mushrooms?!?! (6.26.24)
Key Topics:
The Longest Apollensis fruit so far! (third Flush, F2)
Differences between F1 phenos and F2 becoming more and more apparent
Should you recast after a few flushes?
F1 5 months in! How’s it doing?
Spawning a casing layer… with insect eggs!
Doing a no-casing coir lover grow for the first time in a long time. How will it compare?
Crazy growth on Apollensis F2 plate in only 2 days
• 9/2/24
(96) CASED VS UNCASED Side-by-Side Experiment! Will it Effect Yield, Reduce Blobbing, and Reduce Sidepins Pt. 1 6.7.24
Key Topics:
What happens to your substrate if you DON’T harvest your fruits?!?!?! Experiment time!!!
BIG accident on camera! LOL
Water pouring VS misting
How can a slightly nutritious casing layer not contaminate for 5 months?
Going back to non-casing… How will it compare? ;)
What do good surface conditions look like, WITHOUT a casing layer? Case example
Can you add seeds to a non-cased substrate?
What is Golden Halo, and why is it special?
Golden Halo blobbing!
Click video for full description
(94) Genetics Talk How do the Apollensis F1 Fruits Compare to F0 Plus Mutants and Sporulation… (5.13.24)
Key topics:
- Mutants and sporulation… Are they swab-only?
- When to harvest Trinity
- Apollensis Cross F1, unique phenotypic features
- Very distinct rhizos on the base of F1 fruits, distinct from both either parent species AND F0
- Reflection on the increasing popularity of ‘exotic’ species, and the simplification of methods
(Read more in description)
• 8/3/24
(93) THREE New Apollensis Phenotypes!!! Liberty Cap Lookalikes, Close-Capped Fruits, and Skirted Nipples (?) Phenos! Plus Trinity Maturing Beautifully :) (5.12.24)
Key Topics:
- No liner, no sidepins. How I do it.
- An example of how I mist during a heavy flush (live demonstration)
- 3 main reasons why many exotic species require casing layers
- Tip to avoid DRYING OUT in the summer months
- Is DUBTUB the way to go? Hmmmmmm
Click on video for full list
• 7/28/24
(92) The First of the Big-Capped Apollensis (Original Ps. Mexicana X Tampanensis Species Cross), and the Incoming F1 Pins! (5.10.24)
Key Topics:
- Documenting first of the large-capped Apollensis from the original cross, completely unique morphology from both parents
- Unique identifying features
- F1 starting to pin! How will they compare to the F0?
- Relationship between species, genetics, and contaminations
- Discussion on why you may get contamination on one grow versus another from the same spawn
Read More
• 5/23/24
(84) White Fruits + Rust-Coloured Spore Mutation Plus Mexi X Tamp (Apollensis) F1 Fruits Coming In! (2.23)
- What is the difference between Albino and Leucistic fruits? Big misunderstandings regarding this topic
- Isolate vs Clone cultures
- What makes a good clone?
- Does a more rhizo culture equal better fruiting potential?
- When to harvest for eating vs. spore prints
- How will age of culture affect grasslovers’ fruit and stone production?
- History of Rusty Whyte coir lovers
- Huge environmental mutation
- Why I’m choosing not to mist while fruiting for this flush
And More!
• 4/22/24
(80) How to Mist Like a Pro (and Avoid Aborts), How To Prevent Side Pins Without Liners, and How to Hold Off Trich Temporarily! Tidal Wave and Zaps (12.19)
- Misting during heavy pinsets and flushes
- How I prevent side and bottom pins COMPLETELY without a liner
- The relationship between FAE, Humidity, Surface Moisture, and Aborts
- Flairosol-type mister versus regular mister
- Complete Neglect TEK’d Zaps
- Why Tidal Wave is a special lineage
- Paper towel trich TEK update, one week later! How is the tub doing? Has the trich spread?
• 4/8/24
(77) Is Agar Overrated? (12.7)
- Should you skip agar? Is it overrated?
- Tips to prevent molding and bad bacteria on live casing plants
- On the unpredictability of Florida Grasslovers’ propensity to produce either sclerotia or fruits. Is there a way to encourage them to produce more of one than the other?
- MS Syringe, straight to brown rice! The two “no-no’s” of mycology!
- How long did it take for the Zaps to start pinning?
- Loads of Zap pins coming up! Will they be successful in an unmodified shoebox though?