Species Reference Key
What species are “Coir Lovers”, “Grass Lovers”, and “Poo Lovers”?
Coir Lovers: Psilocybe (Ps.) cubensis, and all of its varieties (like B+, PE, APE, etc…)
It is important to note that SPECIES and VARIETIES are not the same thing! Many beginners assume that B+ is a different species to GT for example, or Jedi Mind F*CK is different to Enigma. They are ALL THE SAME SPECIES! And thus, they will grow just the same as any other “coir lover”, AKA Psilocybe cubensis. There may be slight differences, such as the length of time it takes or the amount of alkaloids present in certain cultures and/or varieties. However, they will all grow within the same paramaters. For example, they grow very well using tubs, thus all of them will grow the well with tubs. Another example would be temperature and substrate. They’re all interchangeable.
Grass Lovers: Primarily Ps. mexicana (AKA “Mexican Grasslovers”) and Ps. tampanensis (AKA “Florida Grasslovers”)
I refer to grasslovers as any species that…. well, grow on (or around) grass of course! In other words, they are in between the cow pastures and the woods. They do not grow directly on dung, nor do they grow directly on wood. They often grow in pastures and grasslands, although not exclusively. They also often grow sclerotia (AKA “truffles”, although they are not actually real truffles as they do not produce spores).
Poo Lovers: Primarily Panaeolus cyanescens, but also all Panaeolus species
But wait, aren’t cubensis (aka Coir Lovers) also “Poo Lovers”? Well yes. However, cubes have no issues thriving on coir, and that is why most people have ditched manure substrates for them (I mean, who wants to muck around with manure if you don’t have to?) The difference is, Panaeolus (Pan) species require manure to be healthy, or at the very least a manure substitute like worm castings. They can technically grow on coir, but success rates are far less than with manure, unlike cubes that have no issues thriving on coir.
I also sometimes refer to them as “Enoki”.
Semps: Psilocybe subtropicalis
I also sometimes refer to them as “Shimeji”.
Nats: Psilocybe natalensis
Zaps: Psilocybe zapotecorum