Key Topics:
Can stressing the mycelium actually promote a better flush? HOCl
Reliable way to tell if a mutant is from environmental or genetic factors
Side pins: Nature vs. Nurture
Shoeboxes without dub tub
My best grasslover (Apollensis) flush coming in!
The βwildnessβ of E4Ks
Black Cap Ochras, epic pines coming in!
Weird blobs on ochra substrate turning blue. What are they?
Mycelium overlay, rich in flavonoids?
Key Topics:
Fuzzy legs=lack of FAE? Not always. Discussion
Causes of aborts, how to avoid
How is the trich tub doing? Was the operation a success?
E4K discussion, unique grow characteristics
Misting during fruiting? Demonstration
Got mycelium on your caps? Is it due to low FAE? Wellβ¦
Weird growth on ochra tubs. What are they?
EPIC Apollensis F3 flush coming in!
Did trich pop up during fruiting? This video is a tutorial on a method to salvage such tubs so that you may get a flush or two out of it, along with showing 2 methods to know trich is coming before it even hits.
Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdgFNt-rE3c&t=34s
Key Topics:
Ochra sclerotia?
Ochra overlay: What is the cause?
Weird blobs throughout substrate. What are they?
Misting HOCl=Better pinset?!?!?
A good rule of thumb to estimate how big your fruits will get from when they are pins
E4K pinning, what would cause two shoeboxes from the same plate to have distinctly different phenos?
Apollensis F3 pins! Will they retain their mutations from F2?