(80) How to Mist Like a Pro (and Avoid Aborts), How To Prevent Side Pins Without Liners, and How to Hold Off Trich Temporarily! Tidal Wave and Zaps (12.19)

Key topics:

- Misting during heavy pinsets and flushes, live demonstration

- How I prevent side and bottom pins COMPLETELY without a liner (proof of concept)

- The relationship between FAE, Humidity, Surface Moisture, and Aborts

- Flairosol-type mister versus regular mister

- Complete Neglect TEK’d Zaps… How are they doing?

- Live Casing Tidal Wave pins filling out!

- Why Tidal Wave is a special lineage

- Rusty Whytes are fridge TEK’d for the next month +! How will they do? ;)

- Paper towel trich TEK update, one week later! How is the tub doing? Has the trich spread?




(84) White Fruits + Rust-Coloured Spore Mutation Plus Mexi X Tamp (Apollensis) F1 Fruits Coming In! (2.23)


(78) Zaps Part 4! Loads more Pins Coming In… BUT! (12.8.24)