(45) Well-Domesticated Culture VS (Almost) Wild Spores, Plus How to Deal with Cultivation When You’re Going Away For A Few Weeks (Timing and Preservation) (7.28.23)

Follow-up to this video

Key Topics:

- How to deal with cultivation when you’re going away for a few weeks, and not throw away your grows. Timing and preservation

- Almost wild F1 Alabama looking completely… wild :)

- Why are wild spores different? What can you expect? Is it a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ thing?

- Beautiful mutant flush

- Flip shoebox lid or no flip? No-flip grow

- Origin of the semperviva name

- Many different grows: TTBVI, PEU, Gandalf, Avalanche, Stormtrooper, Alabama F1, mexicana, semperviva, Ecuador, and More!




(94) Genetics Talk How do the Apollensis F1 Fruits Compare to F0 Plus Mutants and Sporulation… (5.13.24)


(93) THREE New Apollensis Phenotypes!!! Liberty Cap Lookalikes, Close-Capped Fruits, and Skirted Nipples (?) Phenos! Plus Trinity Maturing Beautifully :) (5.12.24)