(109) Ochra Sclerotia, Cause of Overlay, and Misting HOCl? (12.21.24)

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdgFNt-rE3c&t=34s

Key Topics:

  • Ochra sclerotia?

  • Ochra overlay: What is the cause?

  • Weird blobs throughout substrate. What are they?

  • Misting HOCl=Better pinset?!?!?

  • A good rule of thumb to estimate how big your fruits will get from when they are pins

  • E4K pinning, what would cause two shoeboxes from the same plate to have distinctly different phenos?

  • Apollensis F3 pins! Will they retain their mutations from F2?




(113) Trich TEK Success! Plus Black Cap Ochras, Apollensis F3 and More! (12.25.24)


(108) 3-Species Casing Update Ochra Sclerotia, How to Domesticate, Apollensis F3 and More (12.19.24)