(98) CRAZY Truffle Fruit Cluster Popping In! The World’s Hardest Working Truffle (laugh emoji): Apollensis Update, F0 and F1! (6.16.24)

Key Topics:

  • Lab update on the Apollensis situation!

  • F0: 4 months into fruiting (flush 15)! How is it doing?

  • Apollensis F0 and F1

  • F1 lacklustre performance so far… Will it improve?

  • CRAZY Sclerotia fruit cluster!

  • More MONSTER grasslover fruits popping in!

  • Sclerotia (i.e., ‘truffles’), are they producing still after 4 months?

  • Why are the F0s gnat-resistant, but the F1s aren’t?

I hope you have a great day or night!




(50) Three Species Fruiting! And The Most Crazy Substrate Shrinkage I Have Seen After a Flush! (8.7.23)


(49) Feverish Stormtrooper Shoebox 🥵, How Is It Doing? TTBVI, Mexican Grasslover, and Coir Lover Shoeboxes! (8.6.23)