(112) Post-Trich Operation Update, Why E4Ks are Unique 12.24.24

Key Topics:

  • Fuzzy legs=lack of FAE? Not always. Discussion

  • Causes of aborts, how to avoid

  • How is the trich tub doing? Was the operation a success?

  • E4K discussion, unique grow characteristics

  • Misting during fruiting? Demonstration

  • Got mycelium on your caps? Is it due to low FAE? Well…

  • Weird growth on ochra tubs. What are they? 

  • EPIC Apollensis F3 flush coming in!




(56) Fridge TEK'd Rancho Agostos Fruiting, Exotics Talk and More! (9.14.23)


(111) Apollensis Mutant Harvest! 7.19.24