(86) Can Good Genetics Win Against Contaminations? 3.10

Key Topics:

- The first of the huge caps of Apollensis, Flush 2

- Grasslover cap size in indoor setups

- Should you buy pre-sterilized grain bags? Vendor bags and contam

- Myceliated grain update

- GREAT NEWS! I have found a stockpile of some lost Patreon videos in my old computer. Mexi-grasslover bowl grow series, Melmac series, grasslover videos, and Shakti and Avery’s Albino videos coming soon :)




(43) F1 Lottery! Keeping Lids Closed or Flip? And More! (7.22.23)


(85) The Pros and Cons of Fridge TEK, Plus Apollensis First Flush Maturing! (2.26)