
(85) The Pros and Cons of Fridge TEK, Plus Apollensis First Flush Maturing! (2.26)

Key Topics:

  • An easy method to tell whether you’re going to get trich… before getting trich.

  • Bluing on the substrate… What does it mean?

  • Can leaving colonized jars in the fridge lead to increased contamination when spawned to bulk?

  • What I thought when the F1 fruits started to mature… Did I think it was a successful cross?

  • Rusty Whites are harvested, how much did they yield? ;)

  • Poolover mycelium in the fridge?

  • Semp update, primordia popping in BUT…

  • The cool thing about semp primordia




(86) Can Good Genetics Win Against Contaminations? 3.10


Apollensis F1, Almost 4 Months In! (Myco-Quickie)