(55) How I Fought Gnats (and Won, in 24 Hours!): The Story of My Huge Fungus Gnat Infestation (Pt.2)

Here is the followup to Video 54 on the fungus gnat infestation I had back in September 2023. In it, I summarize the simple steps I did to completely eliminate gnats from my home without the use of any chemicals.

I also show the first pins we are getting after leaving a shoebox in the fridge for 3 weeks, along with the first of my live casing experimentation!

Mush Love,


(113) Trich TEK Success! Plus Black Cap Ochras, Apollensis F3 and More! (12.25.24)


(110) Got Trich? How to Salvage Your Tub. Tutorial. 12.22.24