
(2) Merging Two Dikaryotic Cultures to Form a New Strain via Anastamosis on Agar, Multispore Talk and More!

Key Points:

- What is anastomosis?

- How anastomosis effects multispore grows

- Incompatibility and compatibility between cultures or strains

- Best way to inoculate when you have two incompatible multispore cultures for best results

- How much spores do you need? How thick should a spore swab, or streak be?

- How to best store spore prints, discussing some bad common practices

- Factors affecting quality of spores

- Spore degradation between species

- How to not store poolover mycelium

- Very subtle sign of embedded contamination

- Tip on how to check if your culture has embedded contamination

- Tip to avoid monokaryotic mycelium

- Gyms and Kavalactones!

- Upcoming mutant clone project

- Immediately upcoming grow showcase

- Showcasing some super obscure genetics I have (future projects!)

I hope you all enjoy and have a great day or night!




(33) Epic Florida Grasslover Run Finale, Melmac Primordia and Natty Pins!


(32) Great Florida Grasslover Flush and Natties Coming In!