(99) The most beautiful Grasslovers ever… Plus Cracked (and unharvested) Substrate Experiment FINALE! (6.2.24)

Key Topics:

  • F0s still thriving!

  • 4 months in, a new phenotype very reminiscent of Florida Grasslover

  • F1 vs F0 comparison, phenos and flush performance (4 and 2 months in)

  • Discussing oversaturation of substrates due to misting, and especially dunking after a flush, and a good tip to avoid it

  • Discussing the common confusion around Filial terminology

  • Plans for future experimentation with Orbeez heating mat TEK

I hope you all have a great day or night!




(97) CASED vs UNCASED Experiment FINALE! Plus What Happens If You Don’t Harvest a Tub Experiment! (6.12.24)