(56) Fridge TEK'd Rancho Agostos Fruiting, Exotics Talk and More! (9.14.23)

Key Topics:

- How moist should your casing be?

- Casing review

- How to get a canopy of Mexican grasslovers… Not shoeboxes

- How Poolover mycelium looks, vs “Cobweb Mold”

- Bispo vs TTBVI

- Differences in colonization speed between the species

- Cheap vs. expensive shoeboxes

- Fridge TEK pins update! Second flush coming along nicely! - Just had another apartment inspection…. Suitcase TEK

- Bispos, mexi-grasslovers, temps and coir lovers doing beautifully!

- Zaps are germinating, finally!




(113) Trich TEK Success! Plus Black Cap Ochras, Apollensis F3 and More! (12.25.24)


(112) Post-Trich Operation Update, Why E4Ks are Unique 12.24.24