(44) Discussion of Nature vs. Nurture in Mushrooms, Plus Cased vs Non-Cased Experiment Update (F1 Alabama, Stormtrooper and Avalanche Update)

Key Topics:

- Is it a problem if your substrate is not fully white?

- Hyphal knots and primordia

- Initiating fruiting

- Fruiting conditions

- Slow-colonizers?

- Side pins, nature or nurture?

- F1 (First generation) Alabama, Fat-Bottomed Fruits!

- Uncolonized rice being colonized AFTER spawning to bulk!




(93) THREE New Apollensis Phenotypes!!! Liberty Cap Lookalikes, Close-Capped Fruits, and Skirted Nipples (?) Phenos! Plus Trinity Maturing Beautifully :) (5.12.24)


(43) F1 Lottery! Keeping Lids Closed or Flip? And More! (7.22.23)